John Wojcik has been labor editor of People’s World since 2007 and co-edits Through the work of Wojcik and others, People’s World has been a regular feature of labor movement meetings and activities for many years. With fairness and clarity unmatched in the major media, it provides state-of-the-art coverage of the work labor and its allies do every day. Prior to his tenure at People’s World, Wojcik spent 10 years as a union meat cutter in northern New Jersey where, as a UFCW shop steward, he became part of the union’s negotiating committee. As a meat cutter, he was an activist in the movement to build support for Walmart workers and their right to form a union. In the 1990s, he was a special-education teacher working with children and adults on reading and math. In the ’70s and ’80s, he was active in independent political action campaigns supporting pro-labor candidates in Brooklyn and Manhattan and was a political reporter for Daily World.